Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Module 2: Multimedia & Hypermedia

I realize that that's a crazy long link, but it contains a download for Grammarly's grammar checker, an infinitely superior hypermedia grammar tool to Word's own built-in checker. This app's practical usefulness should be fairly apparent, but there are some features specific to this tool that put it a cut above other checkers.

First, it actually teaches the writer why certain grammar mistakes were wrong to begin with. This develops "creative and critical thinking skills" in relation to the writing process. (Roblyer & Doering, 2013, p. 176) Additonally, the presence of a high quality and user-friendly grammar checker offers a more enjoyable writing experience. According to Roblyer & Doering (2013), "students who usually struggle to complete a project or term paper often will tackle a hypermedia project enthusiastically." (p. 176) This checker makes even the dreariest papers more hypermedia friendly.

This link mentions several applications of virtual reality in learning and describes how full-immersion systems and head-mounted displays can allow students to place themselves in scenes out of history or into the works of literature they are studying. Roblyer & Doering (2013) write that technology such as this can help students with ADD, mobility issues, or poor vision to engage material more thoroughly (p. 196) Additionally, Roblyer & Doering (2013) write that web-based VR helps to "create environments where a user interacts with the Internet through voice." (p. 194) The possibilities for Internet connectivity in the teaching of literature in VR are staggering.

This lengthy video explains how VR has already been applied in the classroom in the form of expeditions. Roblyer & Doering (2013) explain how many of virtual manipulatives this video can be used to help students learn by flipping, turning, and rotating in a digital environment. (p. 194-195)

Roblyer, M.D. & Doering, A.H. (2013). Integrating educational technology into teaching (6th ed.). Columbus, OH: Merrill Prentice Hall.


  1. I love the idea of a grammar checker! It would be interesting to see how it could apply to different languages as well. Also could you imagine leading your class on a VR tour! Wow! That would be amazing for a History class! Students would be able to "interact through multiple senses" in "real or imaginary worlds" which would allow them to understand or experience events or things they could not have otherwise (Roblyer and Doering, 2013, p. 193).

  2. According to Roblyer and Doering (2012) "The tremendous access to hypertext and hyper media tools opens up a multitude of creative avenues for both students and teachers" (p.176) I can definitely see this possibility in your idea for virtual reality systems in the classroom. I do however question the feasibility of using these system until the price tag for them come down. I just don't see many schools willing and able to budget that kind of money. that being said as price drops, as it always does with technology you may very well see these types of systems become common place in schools. I look forward to the day I can take my students all over the world without leaving the room.
